In one week I will be in New York City to look for my apartment in Manhattan. In less than a month, I will be living in that apartment..... crazy stuff!
How did I get here? How is this happening?
A few months ago I got an email from a hospital in Manhattan that was hiring a CMD (Certified Medical Dosimetrist.... which I am). I thought it would be such a neat opportunity, so I thought about it for a few days and decided to apply. I didn't really think anything would come of it, but I decided it couldn't hurt to take a risk. Before I knew it I had a phone interview, the phone interview turned into an interview in person and that turned into a job offer.
I never had big dreams of moving to NYC, but I have had dreams of living life to its fullest. My life has changed so much in the last two years. I have had so much spiritual and personal growth and I have realized that I only get one life and I want to do things that are out of my comfort zone and I want to experience the world and different people and different ways of life. I know I am rambling with lots of run ons and commas, but lets face it, I am a dosimetrist, not a writer, and the way I am feeling right now is very run on. I have a lot going on in my mind.
People keep telling me how brave I am and how proud they are of me. The truth is that I do not feel brave. I feel scared. Until today I was very excited about the move, and it didn't seem real.... Maybe it's because it is my last week at work.... Maybe it is because I leave to find an apartment next week. But I feel scared. I have such an amazing support group in Houston. Such amazing women. My family is in Houston. My four week old niece is in Houston. And I am leaving all of it, voluntarily..... I keep wondering what the heck I am doing.... I know it will be such a great life experience for me....
I leave you with some pictures of my Houston life that I love so much. {Because every blogpost needs pictures}.